Dove Christian Center


"Determine In Your Heart That You Will Draw Near To God! He Promised That He Will Draw Near To You!"


You're Invited! Join Us Online Sunday, March 30, 2025

At 10:30AM For

(Live Streaming Service) 

Thank you for visiting Dove Christian Center Church. We invite you to learn more about our Church and WELCOME YOU to join us Sunday, March 30, 2025 for our 10:30AM 

Live Streaming Service."  We are a body of born again believers that are seeking First The Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and are sincere in Spirit and in Soul regarding being "Hearers and Doers of Gods Holy Word." Our spiritual focus is to  CONTINUE GROWING  in grace and in knowledge of our Savior And Lord Jesus Christ, Equipping the Saints, and sharing the "GOOD NEWS  GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!

Follow Us On:

We Believe, Preach And Teach That Jesus Is The  Way! The  Truth! And The  Life

according to John Chp. 14 Verse 6 

(Join Us Online, March 30, 2025@10:30AM)

Office: (253) 523-0808

Address:  8425 40th Street West, (Bldg 400),University Place, WA 98466

"Determine In Your Heart That You Will Draw Near To God. He Promised That He Will Draw Near To You!"


You're Invited! Join Us Online

Sunday, 03/30/25@10:30AM For 

(Live Streaming Service) 

Thank you for visiting Dove Christian Center Church. We are a body of born again believers that are Thirsty for God, for His Righteousness, and for His Holy Word! Our focus is to CONTINUE GROWING in grace, and in the knowledge of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, and to sharing the


Jesus Is The Way! The Truth! And The Life! 

John Chp. 14 verse 6 - Join Us Sunday, 03/30/2025 @10:30AM for:

                          (Live Streaming Service)

 Office:  (253) 523-0808, 8425 40th Street West, Bldg 400, University Place, WA 98466

Our Mission and Purpose At  Dove Christian Center Church Is To Preach And Teach  The Great News  Gospel Of Jesus Christ, Equip The Saints, And Compel Men And Women Of All Ethnicities To Be Reconciled To God By Receiving The Precious Gift Of Salvation Through A Born Again Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ!

Join Us  Sunday, March 30, 2025 For

(Live Streaming Service)

(Next Bible Study March 26, 2025)

Meet the Pastors




Welcome to Dove Christian Center

We are a revolutionary church that focuses on the community striving to make a difference. God's plan and purpose is for his people to live a fruitful and blessed life through the grace of Jesus Christ! We are a faith based community striving together  discovering God’s purpose and plan. We are the Church home you are looking for.  

We are a Church that believes in Jesus Christ and the power of God’s Holy word in our lives. It is our sincere desire to help you become a part of this born again body of believers. We believe when it comes to building a strong bible based foundation for your life, there’s no better place to start than a sound bible based preaching and teaching Church!

Office: (253) 523-0808

Address: 8425 40th St West, University Place, WA 98466

We believe in the power of God, to break the chains of bondage and heal the broken hearted!

Dove Christian Center is a non-denominational, spirit-filled church centered in University Place, WA with a heartfelt desire to bring people of all ethnicities together to worship and serve God out of a pure heart and with righteous motives and intents.  Our desire is to help you find salvation, hope, and purpose through preaching, teaching, and applying the word of God by faith with works and through daily fellowship with Jesus Christ and commitment to prayer. We are committed to helping you navigate the path that the Lord Jesus has ordained for you and your family! We invite you to bring your family and become a part of our church family. We welcome you with Christian love and open hearts! We are a diverse community of born again, holy spirit filled believers represented by different ethnicities with the same thirst and hunger for Jesus Christ and His righteousness. 
Christian Ministry — Human Hands Open Palm Up Worship in Puyallup, WA

Let's Get Connected

We want to connect with you, hear your story and share your interests. We invite your family and friends to fellowship with us online! Grow spiritually, serve others that God places in your life and serve your community. Experience God's love with us online as we seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness as born again believers in Jesus Christ.
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